Take JR Chuo-sen (central line). Travel time is about 15 mins.
Chuo Line Limited Express Trains (the orange ones) are usually the fastest and most frequent way to get from Tokyo Station to Shinjuku Station. Sometimes, it makes sense to take a different route - for example if your destination is not Shinjuku station itself but some other part of Shinjuku. In that case, you might take the subway.
The Chou Line Rapid service train (orange colored) train takes15 mins. The Yamanote as the 2nd poster noted, takes almost TWICE as long. Imagine the Yamanote Line as a Loop, and the Chuo Line cuts right through the center of that loop making it a faster route to Shinjuku Station. Take The Chou Line like the 1st poster noted.
The Yamanote Line is a direct link. http://www.japan-guide.com/e/e2370.html I always use this when I need to do that journey, but I don t live in Tokyo, so I might be wrong... We need a Tokyoite!
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