I m sure Donald Trump s family thought him strange for being so interested in numbers, Steven Speilberg s parents for filming everything, Mozart s for his fixation with music, etc. Curiousity and interest is what makes a person more well-rounded and worldly. The acquiring of new information makes a person more intersting to other people, gives them more to add to a conversation, and possibly enables them to spark someone else s interest to learn something new. Good for you! Keep exploring your interests. Who knows, one day you may grow up to be an Ambassador in Japan, a businessman fluent in Japanese with huge business in Japan markets, or whatever. Keep your interests flowing and don t let anyone discourage you from it.
Minor in Japanese amp; major in business amp; you ll definitely have an edge. Your family isn t very open-minded.. there s nothing wrong with your interest unless it s an obsession.
I m very glad you take an interest in Japan. We have a different culture from yours. I hope you ll like it.
I think its wonderful that you have discovered a vivid interest in Japan and their language. No it is definitely not odd. It shows an open-mindedness, a willingness to expand your horizons beyond the easy norm. My husband is totally into Italy, especially the Roman Age, and I think it s special.
It s not odd. It s fine. I also want to learn Japanese although I m not one myself
i don t think so. if you re odd, then i m odd too because i m interested in it as well. ^_^
No of course it isn t odd! The behaviour of your parents is odd though! Maybe they are under the illusion that Japan is the enemy still?!?! You get people like that everywhere, they just can t let go of the past... Then again, some people who missed out in their youth - didn t learn extra languages, or go to university for example - seem almost offended when their kids DON T miss out! Strange, but true...! They call it inverted snobbery .
no... i think it s odd to think that your interest is odd.
no, it is not odd to be interested in japan and it s language. quite a lot of people are. maybe your family just don t understand what you think. try explaining to them.
It isn t wrong to be interested in a country and its language... Try to visit Japan...
Not if you re Japanese!
i think it is perfectly fine to be intrested in a language. people around my area are actually obsessed with learning japanese so they can read manga or understand anime or something.
I don t think its odd at all. Actually I m just as fascinated because I m half Japanese and I want to learn about my culture. They probably feel that way because they don t know anything about Japan. They wouldn t feel that way if they go there and see it for themselves. It is a beautiful country with friendly people. I wouldn t worry about them. Show them what you like about Japan. Maybe your enthusiasm will be contagious. Go on an exchange. Rotary club will sponsor you if you get picked.
of course NO , u MUST do what ever that u think u r successful in ....good luck
i have a weird fasination with japan and china....and im a black girl.....i don t see anything wrong in wanting to explore and learn and thats what you want to do...
Ofcourse not...My second foreign langauge is also Janpanses and I have a friend who is from Michigan and he manages to speak good Japanese. Stick what you believe,and realize your dream! :)
No, its really cool...definitely start now though. Its great that your younger brother is into it too, because then you have someone to learn with. I was lucky to have visited Japan and when I came back, I enrolled in Japanese class right away. The tag I use here is the Japanese name I was given. You have a definite advantage in starting young, though, because it IS a hard language and culture to learn. But its definitely worth it! Start immersing yourself as much as possible--borrow Japanese videos/cds from the library just so you can start familiarizing yourself with the sound...the videos can also give you a rich sense of history and how people interact. See if there s a Japanese community in your area (with food markets and bookstores,) or museum with Japanese art and artifacts, and get acquainted with the objects and traditions of Japanese culture firsthand. You may even be able to meet people your age who are interested in practicing English in exchange for help in learning Japanese. Down the road, learning how to read Japanese may make it easier for you to learn Chinese--or at least to be able to read Chinese. Then you ll really be rockin it in East Asian Studies and beyond! Gokouun o inorimasu! (Good luck!)
Japanese is the language of the business world specially in the future. Learn the language and the culture and youll be a hand up in the business world.
no, its cool to be interested in something new and unusual. That makes it unique.
No because I am very interested in Spanish and Mexican cultures.
no, it isn t odd to be interested in Japanese Language and culture. I know I am. I want to be a video game designer and live in Japan and work for nintendo. sounds stupid, but I do. If your family thinks you re wierd, so what? they can think what they like. what it comes down to is what you think.
Not at all. but some Japanese people might think you are a bit maniac.
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