

What is the current price of SecureDigital memory in Japan? -

What should I expect to pay for a 2G SecureDigital module in Japan? I m interested in a high speed module at around x150. Price in US$ would be prefered but I ll take Japanese Yen as well.

It is called SD Card in Japan. It depends on the brand. Approximate price is 1G JPY4,000-7,500 2G JPY5,000-13,000 These are aroud 20MB-22.5MB/sec. Probably the x150 means 22.5MB/sec. Today you can get 52MB/sec MMC as well. (Multi Media Card). 1GB JPY8,000 - 10,000 (N/A for 2GB) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MultiMediaC... In USD, divide with current rate, Today s rate is about USD1=JPY117 JPY4,000= USD34

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