

Can anyone suggest any good places to visit in Japan? How much is 1 yen? -

After I get out of high school I m going to stay by myself in Japan for a year before I go to college and I want to know where some good places to visit would be. I m going to be staying in Tokyo. Also, I currently have $17,000. How much is that in yen?

http://www.xe.com/ $17,000 is 2,089,123 yen. $1=122.89 yen Japan is a big place. Are you sure you can manage traveling yourself for a year?? It is about the size of California. For traveling, I recommend Tokyo, Osaka, Kyoto, Nara, Hiroshima, Fukuoka, Nagasaki, Nagano, Sendai, Sapporo and other areas of Hokkaido, and Okinawa.

Staying for a year?? How are you managing that?? Japan is pretty strict on tourist visas. You can t travel as a student unless you are enrolled and to do that you have to have tuition and a year s living exspenses in the bank. You can t go in on a work visa unless you have a job waiting and you are too young to teach in conversation schools (and you don t have a college degree, which most require). And Japan is exspensive...most expereienced travler s can live on about $100 a day, which would work out to about $36,000 dollars. It s a great idea...but be sure to do all your homework and have enough to cover yourself in the event you get ill (most Japanese hospitals don t do US insurance)!

$17,000 is about 2 million yen. By the way, how do you stay in Japan for a year?. Tourist VISA is up to 90 days for US citizen. In Japan, you won t be able to open bank account and purchace cell phone (include prepaid phone) without alien registration card. Ppl don t speak English. No body hire tourist in Japan cos it s illegal. What to do?

Good luck to you though I m not sure how you ll get a visa to enter the country. Do you plan on using your $17,000 to cover all you expenses (airfares, accommodation, food, trains, souvenirs, etc)? If so, then you don t have enough to stay for one year unless you will be earning money while you re there or your parents are planning to give you money. There are heaps of great places to visit: definitely see Tokyo and Kyoto. Sapporo is beautiful, and the snow festival in February is amazing. Okinawa and Osaka are also worth checking out.

Check my blog for your planning to stay in Japan.

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