I m helping someone to find a buyer in Japan for a 1922 amendment to Babe Ruth s Yankee Contract signed by Babe Ruth. After Babe Ruth started drinking too much and womanizing and showing up too late to practice the owners amended his contract to say that if he didn t behave better he would be kicked off the team. The man who is in possesion of this unique contract asked me to help him find a buyer in Japan. He s opposed to selling it on Ebay or in the U.S. and he s very specific that he wants to sell it in Japan. Please help. He s going to give me a lot of money if I help him find a buyer because it could be worth upward of 250,000 dollars.
I wish I could say I knew someone personally but I don t. My best guess is to contact The Japan Times baseball columnist, Wayne Graczyk. He s written the book, quot;Japan Pro Baseball Fan Handbook and Media Guidequot; and is a member of the Tokyo Sportswriters Club and the Foreign Sportswriters Association of Japan. His email is Wayne@JapanBall.com maybe he can point you towards other organizations, etc. Good luck!
go to downtown tokyo i dont remeber the exact location but the store for baseball stuff is there get help in japan?
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