

Does anyone know the average salary of a teacher in Japan? -

I wanna teach English in Japan as a foreign language, but I really wanna know what kinda money I d be making. Any help will be appreciated!

The basic salary would be about 240 -250,000 yen (don t settle for less) at eikaiwas ( language schools) with a salary range of 300,000 - 400,000 in colleges and high schools- these are Tokyo rates other cities might be less and in the countryside significantly so My advice is to get an eikaiwa part time job to pay the bills (my advice is to contact ECC - they are the biggest now that NOVA has gone bankrupt-) and at the same time buiild up a roster of private students. Advertise on the internet and if you get to many replies keep upping the price! i did it that way and after two years was earning 480,000 yen a month Good luck!

350,000 yen

The site below should give you some insight to salary expectations. Japan is an expensive country to live in, so you will need to make a lot to have a comfortable style of living there. I would imagine jobs at private schools would pay quite a bit more if you could get on with one of them.

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