

How can I contact someone with a Yahoo Japan address? Do I need to sign up with Yahoo Japan? -

I can translate from Japanese, but it s still hard to figure out what to do. I found out that a vintage Airstream trailer I sold was shipped to Japan. I found a website that has it as a restoration project. I want to contact the new owner and send him pictures of it when I owned it and give him some of the history.

Just send it like you do any other e mail. I ve been sending e-mails to Japan for over 7 years or more.

er... sorry but this really is a stupid question. if we need to sign up for a new email every time we email someone from another country we d probably have more than ten emails. lol

eg, if you know his/her e-mail is XXX@yahoo.co.jp, yes send it to him/her as according to how you would send e-mails. but if let s say, you saw his ID online, his ID doesn t necessary mean that if you add quot;@yahoo.co.jpquot;, that would be his e-mail address. you don t have to sign up with Yahoo Japan. you can use hotmail, gmail or any other e-mail to send him an e-mail.

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