There is a nursing shortage world wide. That includes the United States. There are international nursing agencies out there that will help you with the transition and licensing. If you like it warm and humid look at Georgia, South Carolina or Mississippi. If you like it hot and dry try Arizona, New Mexico or Navada. If you like the Ocean California, Hawaii or Florida. If you like snow and city life try Pennsylvania, New York, Conneticuit is for you If you like mountains try Colorado for rocky mountains or Tennesee or Kentucky for Green forest covered mountains. If you like wide open spaces and a sky that goes on forever try Montana, Kansas or Illinois. If you like snow covered peaks, glaciers and watching whales there is Alaska. There is such variety here you can really find anything that suits you. Once you are here you can travel to any of these places to visit as you wish.
There is a nursing shortage in the US amp; many nurses are brought in from Ireland amp; the Phillipines. So I believe it is possible for you to find employment in the US. You will need to get licensed, which will require passing state boards. I do not know what areas will be your best bet though.
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