Are you currently OFF your medication?! You VISITED, but have never LIVED in japan, correct? Big difference! I highly recommend you move here and live here for a few years. Then let s see if your impression changes! Futuristic cities? Do you mean, tokyo? The city is possibly the WORST planned city in the world. It is SO ugly! They are called TREES people, plant some! And the politeness amp; kindness is fake! Anyone that has lived in japan even a short time realizes this. Even japanese people will admit THIS! It is for show. You fell for the show. Congratulations! Although I do agree with you about one thing - england is a 3rd world country!
The transportation is truly great. And I m refering only to the accuracy. The trains are 90% on time. Did you go on the train during rush hour? Because I can t agree with you on the woderfulness of the trains during rush hour. It s hell.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!! You just saw small part of a big ice burg. Why don t you go and live in Japan forever?
I know exactly what you mean!!! I have no idea how they do it but thank god they do!!!! a truly wonderful place
yep u r right then again come and live in japan for 2 years then your question will so............different.........
It s how the Japanese people respect not only other Japanese people, but also foreigners. They will treat everyone with respect as long as you show them the proper respect not only to them but their country, as well. Also, they love their country and keep it safe for everyone. Did you notice the little kids walking to school? Japanese parents have no fear that their children will be abducted.
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