wuzracer is correct. Maybe you can buy a calling card and it can help you make your phone call.
I called my friend just last night. I tried heaps of ways, but in he end I logged onto yahoo answers and looked up previous answers of how to call a mobile phone in japan yahoo answers is great. The other answer hits the nail on the head, thats a cellphone, just remember to drop the first 0 in the number. Good luck!
use your digits to make an overseas call, add 81 (country code for Japan) drop the first 0 from the number - example 090. 080. 070 - would become 90, or 80 or 70 and the rest 8 digits. Your call will get through, but the recipient will see the code quot;not supportedquot; on their screen, so if they are not used to it, they might consider answering it. However, give it a try. Sometimes the number does show, but ususally it will say quot;not supportedquot;.
+81 90 4567 0987 81 is the country code if the number starts with a 090 or 080 you have to drop the leading zero.
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