

Turns out Japans Mafia (yakuza) has a big hand in their continued whaling. How do we end this whale killing? -

No one wants to talk about it. Japan is a corrupt nation where the Yakuza, the Japanese Mafia, has very powerful friends in government and influence which extends way beyond the borders of Japan. The fishing unions are mostly controlled by this illegal organization. What steps need to be taken to end the killing of whales?

1. Economically - a protest in the form of a boycott, especially Sushi. 2. Continue the pressure through media coverage of this atrocity. 3. Questions like this one that inform the public of a Japanese Mafia - Yakuza.

It won t be that easy. The Yakuza are rather enigmatic as far as criminal organizations go. Not only that, but whaling is a traditional activity in Japanese culture. Time to brush up on Japanese history. At least this way a solution will be easier to obtain. Report Abuse

Buy all the whales and then protect them. Or stop whining.

Whats wrong with killing whale for food as long as the specie is not threatened with extinction? We should stop all fishing then. While at it ban Dick Cheney from hunting too.

It s legal. You are one of the few that have a problem with it. Get over it.

as long as people eat whale s meat..the killing wouldn t stop..maybe we should try to breed the whale..like salmon..prawns..crabs..its a bit odd to breed a whale considering its huge sizes but money and research..im sure that we could do that in given time..

The Yakuza used to cut off fingers when they were dishonored by a member. They probably up scaled their torturous exercises. They are ones not to be reckoned with. I get mail from GreenPeace and to date they have caught up the Japanese fleets. The Japanese damaged the GP ship, and GP s strategy is to stop the massacre is to take its boats between the whales and the grenade tipped harpoons. I m sure the Japanese do not want to talk about the Yakuza or whales due to horrific repercussions. I really can t see the Japanese citizens want this to happen either.

A woman came up with a brilliant protest idea (which I will be doing this weekend!)- send the Japanese prime minister boxes of noodles. Apparently the government plans to use the whale meat in their public school lunches. This woman is urgign everyone to send noodles that can be fed at lunch. In my box I will include a letter which explains that I will (and am) boycott Japanese products. Interested in joining the campaign? Mail noodles to: Prime Minister Yasuo Fukuda, 1-6-1 Nagato-Cho, Chiyoda-Ku, Tokyo, 100-8968, Japan.

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