I m glad you asked the question because I was wondering who could I contact about this matter. I found Japan Fisheries Association, Japan location and Greenpeace International. They have a detailed fact sheet about Japan and the Humpbacks. Check out the purpose of the Japan Fisheries Assoc. Good Luck , and I hope other Yahooers will write to both organizations to save the Humpbacks.
Maybe this one time the U.S should mind its own business.
Please boycot all Japanese products as this will force the price down and make them cheaper for me to buy. I need a new home entertainment system and a new car both and the less I have to pay for them, the better. I ll probably use the money I save to put some whale meat on the table; it s very tasty.
Commit suicide!!!! They are food.
e-mail local Japanese embassy....peaceful protest at the embassy.... boycott all Japanese products.
man, i agree with you almost everything, but only quot;The whales end up on dinner plates after the quot;researchquot; is done.quot; you thing they do any research? the only research they do is the taste research. they openly sell the whales in supper market (in can). i still got one left at home. (it was a gift! and the taste was suck) you can also see it in almost any sushi-bar in tokyo. i can t remember the price last year. how to protest them? stop comming to japan, and sending a protesting email to the Japaneses embassy a couple 100 email a day. till the huntting stop. i am sure they will not read your crap, that why i said send them a couple 100 a day to make me realize that somebody is protesting them!
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