I have been to Japan five times. The cheapest way to phone anyone is to buy a phonecard at any convenience store. There are phones which takes phonecards everywhere. The green phones tend to be a little cheaper. Renting a cellphone may be convenient, but is also extremely expensive. Most rental phone companies charge 200 ~ 300 yen per day in addition to 3.2 yen per second outgoing. Some companies also charge you for incoming calls. The problem is that you may not be able to return it to the same location where you borrowed it. In such a case, they may not be able to take payment, or they will charge an additional forwarding fee. I needed to return my rental phone in Nagoya, even though I got it at Narita. The total amount for calls (about 2 hours, 50 min) came to approx. $55.00 CDN.
By the way, I checked out all 3 of the cellphone companies at Narita airport. Although Telecom was not the cheapest, it WAS the most convenient since I could return the unit in a different city. Report Abuse
Do you want to call someone in Japan when you are in Japan? If so, you should use rental cell phone which I think is the most reliable. http://www.pupuru.com/foreign/en/index.h... The above is only one example. There are several places in Narita Airport where you can rental cell phones.
I would get a calling card its the best thing to do
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