

If I go to japan for 8 days do I need a visa? -

I am planning a trip to Japan this spring, do I need anything other than a passport?

Nope. Just show your American passport. You will go through without any problems. You will be allowed to stay for 90 days max. Do not overstay, they WILL find you and arrest you even if you go over one day.

with the news homeland security laws in effect it would be best to check throughly prior to leaving, also check with the embassy of possibly needing a avian flu shot(or other) and read the state department article on traveling abroad http://www.dhs.gov/index.shtm http://www.us.emb-japan.go.jp/english/ht... http://travel.state.gov/travel/travel_17... Have fun in Japan!

It depends on what nationality you are (what country issues your passport). I would look in the Japanese immigration website and check.

If you are holding a Singapore Passport, it s not necessary to get a visa.

If your a U.S. citizen with a U.S. passport you can stay up to 90 days without a visa....to stay longer you must have a working visa, student visa or spouse visa.

Just in case by some chance accident of birth you are NOT American, (I am not like those other people - they seem to assume that ALL people on here ARE American!!) here is the list of countries with visa exemption arrangements with Japan; http://www.mofa.go.jp/j_info/visit/visa/... The quickest way is to search for the name of your country in the list - that s the country that your PASSPORT is from, not the country you happen to be living in (if different.) If your country IS on the list, the right-hand column tells you how long you can stay without applying for a visa in advance. In these cases your passport will be stamped when you arrive in Japan - and that IS your tourist visa! Because you DO need a visa, even if you ARE from America - but if your country s on the list you don t have to mess about applying for the visa before you leave your own country.

Do you plan to walk through the doors and when stopped tell them you are Japanese?Off course you need one.

No VISA necessary if you are just going to do the tourist thing.

no you do not need a visa as long as you are a US citizen. I just got back from japan last week. all you need is a passport

You might not need a visa if you are an American citizen. Check web site for Japan embassy in US for all the info

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