

Can I get a job in Japan that I could normally get in America? -

I really want to move to Japan when I m older. And I was wondering if I could get a job at, let s say a physician s assistant, and I had my training/college over in America, can I still be that IN Japan?

If you are not Japanese, it would be difficult just like Japanese people in the US. You, however, have specific abilities which not many Japanese do such as language. So you might be able to get some good deal by using those abilities. The reason why Japanese companies wouldn t hire non-Japanese for normal position is that we already have tons of people for that. You can use your advantages to get a better job (or worse), which really depends on what you ve got from your school life. So make sure to get MBA or whatever that makes you stand out.

Sorry, no. You would have to have your training in Japan. That would require native level Japanese. Most Japanese would feel uncomfortable in that kind of situation.And these jobs will always go to a native Japanese first. There s little work available outside of teaching English.Unless you can find a skill few Japanese have. Teaching English isn t a life long job. You can try joining wwoof Japan.They need workers to work on farms and ski resorts.The bad news is most of them only pay in room and board.But some allow you to stay for up to one year.And they may bypass the BA degree issue. Moving to Japan long term won t be easy.If it were,I d be there myself.

In the medical field where you are dealing with Japanese patients, jobs will go to Japanese first. You will find it very difficult. There are foreign (non-Japanese) doctors in Japan, but their numbers are very few. It is always interesting to hear their stories... Outside of teaching English, there are plenty of jobs available -- if you can speak Japanese fluently. Since you indicated that you are still young, I would focus on learning Japanese. That will help you immensely. I would also look at what type of jobs are available to non-Japanese in Japan. You want to avoid learning a skill or trade that you could not find work for in Japan.

Medical assistant needs to clear Japanese national exam all are performed by Japanese, not English. You have to be able to speak, read, wright and listen fluent Japanese. I think better idea could be attorney, counsel and/or CPA for international business more successfully. You don t need fluent Japanese anymore to live in Japan on those kind of business with high salaried payment.

No. Unless you work for the military - youd be around americans all day though and living on base! Otherwise you would have to be at native level in spoken, and written Japanese - which is the equivelent of getting a Bachelors from a Japanese university. Your only option for living in Japan is as an English teacher. Or a housewife! :o)

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