

Japan..............? -

how do they say : 1) hello 2) bye 3)thank you 4) you re welcome 5)how are you doing? 6)yes 7) no in japan thanks please tell me soon! =) oh can you type it please i dont want the letter things they use in japan... please and thank you

1) hello - konnichiwa 2) bye - sayonara 3)thank you - arigato 4) you re welcome - dou itashimashite 5)how are you doing? - genki desuka? 6)yes - hai 7) no - iie I am confident about my answers because I am Japanese =] also, I CANNOT SPEAK JAPANESE = Nihongo wa hanasemasen. hope this helps =]

accually it s nihongo WO hanasemasen. when you use wa it ll become Japanese can t speak. Report Abuse

1) hello----quot;kon nichi waquot; 2) bye----quot;sa yo na raquot; BUT alot of people says quot;bai baiquot; 3)thank you----quot;a ri ga to u go za i ma suquot; BUT quot;a ri ga toquot; (friendly way) is fine 4) you re welcome----quot;do i ta shi ma shi tequot; (it sounds like dont touch my mustache) 5)how are you doing?----quot;o ge n ki de su ka?quot; (friendly way is quot;ge n ki?quot;) 6)yes----quot;ha iquot; 7) no---quot;i i equot; Bonus good---quot;i iquot; wrong----quot;chi ga uquot; hot----quot;a tsu iquot; cold----quot;sa mu iquot; tasty----quot;o i shi iquot; want----quot;ho shi iquot;

well hello is konnichi wa, but hello on the telephone is moshi moshi, it sounds like moshmoshi, said really fast bye is sayonara thankyou is arigato, and like the other person said, a more polite version is arigato gozaimasu. sounded as arigato gozaimas yes is hai. kind of like hi with a long i sound at the end as in the ea in the verb eat no is iie, you may be confused at first because it kind of sounds like an african american saying yeah, but it has the opposite meaning. Try to say ee-yeh really fast I hope this helps your welcome is usually a bow, however this is usually done by the person providing the service, such as a store clerk or a car salesman, and it is done right after you are done purchasing the item or after you are about to leave the store. Im not really sure about hows it going but you can run a google search on that

1. Kon ni chiwa 2. Sayonara 3. Arigatou 4. Dou itashi mashite 5. Genki? 6. Hai 7. Iie(Like E-e-ye)

this list is below :) follow this for what you need and more!

1) mushi mushi (basic telephone greeting 2) Siyanora 3) Arigato (more pollite=) Arigato-Gozaimas quot;Go-za-E-màsquot; 4) Not sure (just bow or something) 5) Conichiwa quot;co-nee-chee-waquot; 6) hai quot;Hiquot; 7) Nai quot;Niquot; These are quite common. You might want to know how to say quot;I do dot speak japanesequot; in Japanese... Ni Hongo O Hanasemasen quot;Nee-Hon-Go-Oh-Hana-Se-Ma-Sen quot;Sequot; is pronounced different. the E is pronounced like if you would say quot;enquot; but with just the E. Hope this helps

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