

What is stopping Japan from admitting the Nanking atrocities? -

Why when there is much detailed evidence is Japan exhibiting such an immature refusal.

Because they are cockroaches..where is the can of Raid when you need it?

The same reason why Korean detainees and slave workers can t get Hibakusha status.

well would you admit it? regards x kitti x

arrogance kinda like America never apologizing for enslaving africans for 200 plus years. arrogance

that is in their blood,these bloody Japanese have the ideology that the weak should be kick out the world.

Same reason that the Americans fail to see Hiroshima and Nagasaki as war crimes.


No country wants to admit to anything that might allude to quot;atrocityquot;. The North didn t want to admit to quot;atrocitiesquot; subjected upon Southern prisoners. The South didn t want to admit to quot;atrocitiesquot; upon Northern prisoners. The Viet Nam government isn t going to admit to quot;atrocitiesquot; commited upon those they considered enemies; neither is the United States, England. France. Germany, or Russia likely to admit to any atrocities they inflicted upon others. No country is going to admit to quot;atrocitiesquot;. Iraq, Iran, Pakistan, Israel, believe they are quot;rightquot;. If you believe in quot;your rightsquot;, there can be no quot;atrocitiesquot;. There can be only VICTORY!

Just like here or in China. Lie loud enough, long enough and you ll spin things to where you believe your own lies. In the mean time, if you can outlast everybody else, it will look like you won. Like advertising on TV. .

Asian nations need to save face.

It s the same answer to the reason injustice exists around the world, nationalism.

Same as Japan refusing to admit any of its war guilts and treatments of any foreign national it encounters. Denial It is reported that Japanese History hardly covers any of her Imperial failures defeats and losses from any part of her past.

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