

Where could I buy a 2002 Nissan Skyline GT-R R34 brand new from Japan? -

Is there a japan website I could go to? Does it really only cost $3000 to make it a left side driver?

my bf drives a nissan skyline r32gtr he had is from a deal who specializes in Japanese imports but if you cant find any in your area i would suggest you type in the seach bar japanese imports and the town or city of where your living and see if it brings the names or addrsss of anyone dealing in them but be preperd to pay import fees its not cheap!

Well for one, it isn t gonna be brand new. 2002? come on dude, pull your head out of your dairy air. There is really no good way to get one over here legally now. And I believe it ll cost more than that to get it converted to left hand drive. Then you ll have other issues with other things like engine and dash and suspension and alot of other things. Think the $3000 is just to replace the windshield, and put door beams in the doors. Thats about what I ve heard so far.

Private imports are not possible. There is only one importer certified for importation and conversion of the Nissan Skyline. Here s a link that will help: http://www.skylinegtr.com/qamp;a_pg.html Conversion does NOT include conversion to left hand drive, only to DOT safety standards and EPA emissions standards. (The side of the vehicle that the controls are on is NOT part of the DOT safety standards.) Conversion costs typically run between $16,000 and $25,000. That s on top of the price of the vehicle, ocean freight and other charges. Total costs will probably range between $75,000 and $95,000 depending on the exact year and model. You re not going to get a new 2002 vehicle, dude! If you haven t looked at a calendar lately, we re in the last third of 2006.

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