

What are some concerns about traveling to japan? -

and is it safe for american tourist? is it a politically and economically stable time to be traveling to japan? i have to present my vacation project and i need help on this question! ....Help please (gt;.lt;)!!

Japan is an extremely safe country to visit for any tourist. There has been a noted rise in crime that recieved a lot of publicity lately but there is still far less crime in Japan than other developed nations. If you go with a little basic common sense and show a bit of street smarts, you will have no trouble at all. Right now the US dollar is weaker against the yen, which means that it ll cost you a bit more for things than you might have paid a year ago. The Japanese economy has bounced back to a significant degree from the recession it went through in the 80s, and while there is an increased level of poverty and homelessness, the economy is generally strong. The cost of living is quite high in Japan and many visiters do suffer sticker shock when traveling there, but there are plenty of ways to travel there, have comfortable accomidations and eat well without breaking the bank.

Primarily due to land space issues. Very large population for the amount of land available and not much in the way of land suitable for farming since so much of the country is mountainous. It means that what they can grow will be priced at a premium and everything else will need to be imported. Report Abuse

Japan is certainly on of the safer international travel points...its economy and political situation is very stable. They have a huge american tourist industry

Japan is one of the safest countries in the world. You ll be safer there than in some parts of the US. It is VERY safe for American tourists. It is politically stable. It is a strong democracy. Economically, it is the second strongest in the world. Good luck. I hope you can visit. I lived there for 3 years and loved it!

Japan is a very safe country, and the economy is very solid. The only caution I would give is that sometimes foreign women can be targeted by perverts. This is not suggesting that most Japanese people are perverted- most Japanese people are extremely nice! But being a foreing woman, you are outside the social system of rules, so it s like you have a target on your forehead. I lived over there for a year, and I didn t know a single girl who had been in the country for a long period of time without having some sort of incident.

Economically it s a very good time to visit, as the US Dollar to Yen exchange rate is very favourable, howeverfor the unprepared tourist Japan, and Tokyo especially, can be very expensive, for instance if you stick to eating at foreign hotels or the posher places. Politically, there are no major problems of instability or the like, bar perhaps around Okinawa where there are people who dislike the US military presence, but any threats will be verbal only, or even just non-verbal shunning.

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