

What is it about Japan that causes such a high suicide rate? -

How is life in Japan so different to cause such a high suicide rate?

One of the causes seems to be our tendency to be indifferent to others. And the highest life expectancy in the world must have something to do with the high suicide rate. The majority of those committing suicide are in their 50s and beyond. People are supposed to live long but it s tough for the losers and some just don t want to live that long. Anyway commuter trains are delayed almost every day and I don t want to witness the scenes anymore, nor do I want to delay trains myself, at least anytime soon.

they have so much pride..they don t want to be embarrass bec some of the suicide victims are in debt...they can t accept failures.that is the major reason why..the rest is emotional problem..

Well, there are different reasons, but one of them that I ve noticed is bullying in schools. Some of the cases of bullying in Japanese schools are absolutely horrible. It s not like what people usually think of bullying in schools in the US... in Japan bullying seems to be on a whole different level. Not only can it be beatings, but alot of psychological damage too. Anything from having basically everyone in the class gang up on one person, to having almost everyone in class act like the person doesn t exist. Of course there is also verbal abuse. There are also alot of very overworked and stressed out people in Japan as well... both kids/teenagers with school and adults with their everyday job.

The grudge

There s no single factor, but experts point to a combination of economic woes, poor mental-health resources, lack of religious prohibition, and cultural acceptance of the practice.

One reason is there still Harakiri (Seppuku) culture and the spirit exists. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seppuku Another reason is that Japan is homogeneous country. 98% of the population is Japanese, and the culuture is mono culuture. Japan is said it is capitalism technically. But people know the society has another aspect. Japan is sometime called it is socialism or totalism. Check No.1-10 nations of the suicide rate in the world. What kind of society those nations have? This is the answer.

The stress levels and the pride that lies deep within.

Well there are a few different factors. For the younger suicides there is the shiken hell. Where basically from as early as elementary school students need to try and get into certain schools in order to progress to the prestigious Universities. With this entails going to school 6 days a week, and then going to juku, which is after school cram school. When the tests come you have one shot at taking it, so if your sick, you did not study or fail, well tough luck. On another end of the spectrum, if you are different, whether it be hair color, or your family is associated with the untouchable class of people who dealt with meat, you get bullied. And in this case it s not just one person, its the whole class, and most of the time no one will help, and if you go to someone they just say your selfish. Then later on in life say you go through all of these things, at work the expectations are just as high, you have to do service overtime, show a special kind of face that is correct and hide your feelings. So overall I say its a lot of pressure in a society that you can not express yourself without further making problems.

Have you watch Higu yet? It s the Hinamizawa bug awakening. Just kidding. It s the stress levels.

The statistics on suicides in Japan Reasons Number 1: health problem. Number 2: finance problem. The districts (43prefectures plus Tokyo, Hokkaido, Osaka, and Kyoto) Number1: Akita Number2: Aomori Number3: Iwate Number36: Tokyo Number18: Osaka Number47: Nara Akita Prefecture, which has had the nation s highest suicide rates for the past 10 years. There are about 6000 psychiatric patients in Akita and about 109000 psychiatric patients in Tokyo in 2005. Age 70 s: 5522 60 s: 4885 50 s: 6786 40 s: 4650 30 s: 4175 20 s: 3172 10 s: 576 gender Male:Female 3:1 The suicide rate top 3prefectures are all located in north of Honsyuu where senior population is higher than other prefectures.

One major reason, I think, is that insurance companies pay out to the families of suicide victims, and the second is that mental health support systems in Japan are very poor or non-existent. If you look at the figures, the largest group is middle-aged men committing suicide for health or financial reasons. Teenage or internet suicide groups, whilst tragic are mere blips on the radar, just a couple of hundred per year.

One of the reason would be the Japanese still beautify about suicide. Traditionally, death by suicide is honorable(I don t believe it, though.). Also, in Japan, it still is so hard to express their feelings to the others. I think it causes so much stress to anybody. It s a very sad situation.

Pride Stress Lack of patience Lack of communication Most believe that they will be reborn

It s just a different values system. Historically, in Japan, suicide was seen as an acceptable way to atone for mistakes, absolve shame, and to save face. It was considered an honorable way to die, and in some ways it still is. They also don t have the Judeo-Christian teachings that say suicide is a sin. These factors combine to explain why the suicide rate is the highest in the developed world.

I would answer this in a sociological manner. Since Japan truly values family and the society and family are more integrated than any countries, the suicide rates may be becasue of Altruistic suicide (Durkheim). quot;Altruistic suicide, was a result of too much integration. Self sacrifice was the defining trait, where individuals were so integrated into social groups that they lost sight of their individuality and became willing to sacrifice themselves to the group s interests, even if that sacrifice was their own life. The most common cases of altruistic suicide occurred among members of the military.quot;

Mainly, face. People don t like to lose face. So, they rather take the easy way out than deal with everything.

When one wants to commit suicide there is a problem with the mental status of that particular person, financial condition and the social condition. All factors compell people to take such a drastic step. Surviving in a competitive world is not easy, inferiority complex and lack of education or proper education but no work or work opportunity upto the persons education level all can cause stress and a feeling of unworthy or not appreciated. People who don t get accepted in the society as someone important wud generally face problem with their pride and their ego truly hampers their thinking process which in turn puts them into deep depression. Depression will be the major factor influencing the people from Japan or any person who looks upto Suicide as their ultimate solution to end a miserable life. The food is scarce on top of the general climatic condition and the availability of space and on top of all that food being expensive all wud definately take a toll on people, but sometimes even after going thru harsh reality of the life people do not commit suicide simply coz they r stronger mentally and can adapt to any harsh environment or situation with stability. Each person is different and unique thus they have unique tolerance power within them, so in general u can say people with no self esteem or low tolerance for life wud undertake such a drastic step. I d no idea of Japan held the suicide rate high in whole of this world but then again the country ins t big nor is the population that vast like that of other asian countries, where in I d have understood them attempting suicide. So all i think is that maybe these folks have developed a very low mental stability and tend to end up taking their lives. Newayz it s a sad scene but then we can t do much maybe open up some doors to Japan in terms of more business or hire more man power from Japan. On the other hand it just struck me wud any of this suicide rate be related to the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombing incident whereby it produced some mental debility as a side effect in the coming new generations after the bombing incident??? Probably it cud have a scientific explanation to the suicide rate then.

Decode this lyrics quot; Candle in the windquot; At loss with our creator s universal gifts of life that was lost in time. Luke 11.46-52 Decode this lyrics quot; Don t know much quot;- about misery Live in misery with emptiness. Self destruct in time. Luke 9.55-56 Getting kick on the butts as casualty of the dead Mummy in not worshiping God. Luke 6.39-40,41-45,46-49 The misery expose by the mystery of us-911 without anyone being aware of the mess on what went wrong in the creation of living human kind into mankind. The reality and horrors that will be a nightmares in time with the rise of the new lost city of sex and the sin city in the new Atlantis over the horizon in time. Revealation 17-20 The blunders and slip-ups with human errors that must be solve by survivors with their children from after world war two before it s too late to save our own children out there. Revealation. 18.22-23

not to sound racist but Japanese people tend to apologize to each other all the time for minor things. i think all the quot;sumimasen squot; build a tense atmosphere of worry and stress. and because of it, some people dont feel like life in Japan is something that they can endure anymore.

japan is home by people with low patience understand

kampai! kamikaze?

i believe its the fear of failure and how pride is important. they take failure pretty damn hard

The lack of individual space. Japan is a small island country with a very dense population. The average person, especially in urban areas, such as Tokyo has someone almost touching him almost constantly.

High expectations

pride and tradition the need to succeed maybe too much fermented soy sauce

As you can see by the answers already given, it can vary greatly even within one country. But the one common factor that s strong is pride; sometimes people hold themselves to an unrealistically high standard, and when that standard isn t met, hope for the future is sometimes lost and reason to continue isn t felt very strongly.

Too much rice and video games would drive anyone to insanity.

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