shutup or i will zap you! EDIT: OK ... I am sorry ... I wont zap you ... is isolation too harsh?
We aren t trying to isolate Japan at all. They have been isolated for a few decades after WW2 because of article 9 in their post-WW2 constitution, which prohibits them from having a far reaching military outside of Japan. Japan has recently begun to do away with this restriction though. They even sent peacekeeping troops to Cambodia and Syria. They are also partnering with Central Asian countries in an economic development partnership for the region. Three Seeing Mice, quot;sinoquot; refers to China, and quot;angloquot; refers to Britain.
Whats real and what is not? The usa forced Japan into a treaty after destroying a entire city, after they destroyed one of the usa army bases? true. The USA had a eugenics campaign started by Woodrow Wilson in the latter half of the 1800`s? true. Canada had special quot;campsquot; to send the Japanese where we would work them to death during world war two? true. The rest of the world is isolating itself from the USA not the other way around? true. their is not one group with control of earth but afew from other areas of existence and our own who cause nothing but trouble and sadness for the people they interact with? ... Germany in WW2 also had camps where they would put millions of Hebrew people in gas chambers or make them work to death? true :( KGBush and Demon Cheney got rich off this whole stinkin mess so they do not really care? true and they really don t care! Obama and Biden are the same as Bush amp; Cheney only labeled quot;Democratquot;? true McCain and Palin are worse? true :( Morgan Freeman is a damn good actor? TRUE! them`s the facts
I think you are very wrong. Going all the way back to Carter, Reagan, Bush 41, Clinton, and Bush 43, globalization has been a major deal. Obama and Mcain both are complaining about all or jobs going overseas, etc. Additionally, look at your most popular cars .. Honda, Toyota, Nissan, Suzuki, and then tell me where they are from. Also look at Ford, Chrysler, and Chevy .. even most of them are made in other countries. And then there is consumer electronics where most of the really good stuff comes from Japan. Just start reading labels every time you shop, see how many products on our shelves are labled 100% US made. We are not isolated from the world, we are dependant on the rest of the world because there is no industrial infrastructure left here in the US. Sad but true. Please re-think your question.
Yes...I am tired of it...I just want us to get along with everyone, but we keep sticking our nose in everyone s business and trying force war upon everyone. It is very sickening and pointless for real Americans. It is because Conservatives create this problem and then blame it on other countries and then tell us were not patriotic for not backing it up. I definitely want CHANGE, Obama will give us that and HOPE that we will be happy to be Americans again!!!
i think you need to talk to bush about that. its not the people of the US, well maybe some but the last 8 years have really hurt are standing with other countries. as far as it goes what people from other countries think of me/us, well, I DONT p.s i support japan every time i buy something is this country, but even though i don t like repubs, we can blame Clinton for that
I think you have absolutely no idea what you are talking about Japan is free to establish ties with any foreign government that will talk to them Apparently you don t follow world events very closely
I think you have no evidence to back up your claim. Come back with some credible proof to your statement and maybe you ll get a real answer.
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