If you sign up with an organization that arranges for you to go as an exchange student, getting your visa or directing you on how to do it is part of their responsibility. To get a student visa, you must have proof of being accepted into a program. If you would like to go ahead ans learn about visas, go to the site below and read under quot;Entry Requirements .and see the contact info in the 2nd to last paragraph of that section. Then see 2nd site also to research visa info. Hope all works out well for you.
If you become an exchange student, it means that your school does visa application. So you have to give documents necessary to your school office instead of going to Consulate. Otherwise, it depends on each Consulate if they accept application by mail. Contact the Consulate who is responsible for visa application in your state. http://www.us.emb-japan.go.jp/english/ht...
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