The typical Japanese meal consists of a bowl of rice (gohan), a bowl of miso soup (miso shiru), pickled vegetables (tsukemono) and fish or meat. While rice is the staple food, several kinds of noodles (udon, soba and ramen) are cheap and very popular for light meals. As an island nation, the Japanese take great pride in their seafood. A wide variety of fish, squid, octopus, eel, and shellfish appear in all kinds of dishes from sushi to tempura.
Mainly rice amp; fish
lots of ramen noodle (not the instant type, but noodle shops), udon (rice noodle) and soba (buckwheat noodles), rice plate, sushi. LOTS OF SEAFOOD, seaweed, not so much red meat. beef in japan is usually very expensive, so even in burger joint, many meat patties added with soy byproducts to cut down the cost. i am fascinated by japanese society, their peer pressure is enormous. heavy and hectic work load, many of them are chain smokers. they party alot, after work drinking into the early morning. to answer your question, i think the diet is not the single answer; japanese walks a lot! from station to station, they walk in a very fast pace, most people don t own a car, they rely subway and public transit, most of the time you have to change many trains to reach destination. and after they arrive at the station, they continue to walk to the location. there are very little obese in japan, mainly because they don t drive that much like we do. also, like many asian coultures, inner peace, spiritual harmony is very important. with the high stress high pressure working environment, they practice their religous belief to balance their hectic daily schedule. the quot;religentquot; is more like a quot;philosophy for livingquot;, which greatly influence their behavior and thoughts. i believe their diet, inner peace (spiritual) and daily physical exercise (even though they don t know they were exercising by walking from station to station!) clean and pleasant environment contribute to their longevity. not all japanese food is healthy, lots of different fry foods are in their regular diet, but they do it in moderation, much smaller portion then our U.S. custom.
I like the first person s answer I was going to say the same thing l.o.l.
What most Japanese eat almost every day is soy product in different forms. Tofu, bean curd, miso, edamame, natto, etc. And they drink green tea w/o sugar a lot!
yeah.they are all correct..typical day is with rice,veggies,fish and seafoods!very healthy and very light thats why theyre all skinny and young looking!though they smoke a lot! amazing!
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