

Are there any black women that could share their experiences studying abroad or living in Japan? -

I am seriously preparing to apply to study in Japan my junior year of college. I was just wondering if some black women who have been to japan/studied/lived there could give me some advice or share some experiences. :)

From what ive heard,you will definately stand out. Its not that they dont like you, but that Japan is about 99% homogenous, so most have never seen a black person. Dont be suprised if a few of them want to touch your hair or rub your skin to see if the color comes off... they are mostly just curious... Also they might even think of you as an exotic beauty!! Cool huh? Im moving to korea in a few months so im curious about life in asia as well. I wish you the best of luck.... Add on: I just came across this lady called Kay. She keeps a video blog about life in Japan on youtube. She is African american, Its a good blog...check it out. http://youtube.com/user/khalilahinjapan

applying for junior college in japan? are you 18 years old yet? I m also interested to study in Japan, but when i ask those in Japan Embassy, they said that one of the criteria is to reach 18 years of age.... Maybe you can ask The Japanese Embassy ambassador in your country to clarify your question.... btw i m really sorry if this does not help at all....

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