Probably no penalty, unless you present it in some official capacity, which really isn t going to happen. That said, you can get in trouble if you re caught drinking in a club at 17. Be more worried about that. The thing is, no cop is going to care about or ask you for your driver s license from the US. They only will want to see your gaijin card. There shouldn t be any reason for them to go looking through your wallet, either. Where are you going that they actually card you to get in? Edit: If you use it to buy alcohol or enter a club and drink and you are caught. Do not lie to the police or there will be big trouble.
If you are 17 teen, they might ask your tutor to present you to a youth court and you might get away with it only with a fine for your parenst but, in case they judge you as an adult, They will: 1) Charge You for driving without a valid license and the fine is of (less than) 250,000 Yen, and you can t drive a car for over a year, depending of the judge that takes your case. Even if you get a valid driver s license 2) if it is fake, they might press charges against you for using illegal documentation. That might cost you, even time in Jail and a big fine. 3) They might kept you under investigation because they need to know if there was any other reason for you to use that ID, like: terrorism, espionage or other. 4) Since only few illegal immigrants use such fake documents here, they might press charges against your legal status nd you might be forced to leave Japan. If so, they would not allow you to comeback in less than 10 years. Nobody eever, ver does that here so I consider risky if you do. I myself have been stopped with an International drivers license from other country and had to do the above number 1.
Jim is right. In order for them to realize that the name is wrong, they d need to compare it to your gaijin card, which I don t foresee anyone taking the time to do. With a name like quot;party boyquot;, perhaps you are drinking? If you are caught drinking, though, they may then ask how you got in, and in that case, they could potentially discover your fake I.D., which would even worse.
Japan is pretty loose with respect to checking IDs and underage drinking. You can often see Japanese teenagers who are clearly underage but drinking in public. I think the consequences of getting caught with that ID on a US army/navy base would be much more severe than at a Japanese club.
In Japan under 20 is prohibited to drink and smoke legally. That s all. Your possession of fake American driving license has nothing matter with any trouble as long as you don t drive. Club security will never claim you presenting any fake ID. They don t care if you pay money.
Frig man. Japanese train systems are the best in the world. why would you need to drive? I m assuming you re not drinking at these clubs then if you re driving :)
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