You ll need to have proof of vaccinations (Rabies) to get your cat into this country. See your veterinarian to fill out all of the necessary paperwork. I m fairly certain your cat will need to go through quarantine. I believe it s 30 days. Good on you for adopting a stray and trying to make arrangements for it to stay with you- I think that s wonderful. :)
I agree, you ll have to have current / updated vaccinations and documentation there in Japan just to get the kitty onto the plane. Here in the states, they ll require those documents when entering. Yes, I also believe there s a quarentine period for kitty but it s all worth it when you bring him to his NEW loving home...Good for you! I hope you ll both live happilly ever after! Happy Holidays P.S. This link might be of some help: Pet transporter Worldwide 1-800-264-1287
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