It s an interesting question. I wouldn t rush to say that Americans have more freedoms. Maybe on paper, but... Japanese tend to be a lot more tolerant than Americans, so you can do certain things in Japan that you would be reprimanded for back home. Take religion for example. It s perfectly fine in Japan (for most people) to visit a shrine as a baby, have a Christian marriage, and have a Buddhist funeral. Most Americans can t handle that type of attitude towards religion even though they have quot;freedom of religionquot;. Most Japanese really believe in kharma. Like, there s no point in getting overly upset at someone s behaviour because ultimately it s that person who suffers. American on the other hand tend to mock people who act differently, or seek to punish them. Japan has a more healthy attitude towards sex. It s no problem to show naked kids frolicking on TV if it s in the right context. In the U.S. that would never be shown, no matter how innocent because non-sexual things are sexualized in the U.S. There are a lot of prudes who run the show in the U.S. Sales tax and income tax are also much lower in Japan, so there s more freedom with one s own money. But the U.S. often has more freedoms than in Japan. Work isn t usually as restricting as it is in Japan. There s more physical space in the U.S. whether that be in homes, on city streets, in the countryside, etc. A lot of freedom has to do with the individual. If you learn Japanese you re free to do a lot more than if you don t know any. Same goes for English in the U.S. It depends on your manners too. If you re polite, that can get you far, especially in Japan. Too much to write here.
Yes, I believe so. But if you want to have an actually nice life there you do not need the freedoms you need to know the Japanese language!
Yes, they do. You can stay there for up to 90 days on a tourist visa...And that would cost you thousands of dollars to stay there that long...
Yes, I absolutely agree with TokyoE, and that quot;answer manquot; is an quot;anti-japan kookquot; apparently. TokyoE is right on the mark.
not even close they are not guaranteed things like freedom of speech...private individuals may not own a is incredibly expensive as are most things there,there is an absolute male dominated society there they are an imperial society in as much as the emperor rules the land with a Parliament...things like that matter my friend...and yes i spent quite alot of time there and yes it is a beautiful place to visit the women are absolutely gorgeous.. but to live there for very long ... no not for me anymore...good luck
Well research it more then yahoo then. Japan has an open political system, freedom of speech, press, and etc. Except you have no freedom to own guns, but thats the same in many other countries too. Generally speaking, the laws are similar, don t go robbing banks, and dealing drugs and you will generally be ok. You can only stay in Japan for 90 days under visa waiver. The previous poster doesn t seem to know what he s talking about because even though Japan has an Imperial family, the Emperor has no power at all. They are pretty much figureheads for the unity of Japan. Japan has a Paraliment (Diet/Senate and House of Representatives, and a Prime Minister), similar to the UK, though the Queen seems to have more roles in the UK then the Emperor has in Japan. In the UK its hard to own guns as well.
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