Any MOS in the Marine Corps can go to Japan. It just depends where you get stationed at when you leave your MOS school. There are bases in Okinawa and Mainland Japan which are 12 month tours. While your over there you can request to stay an extend tour for another 12 months. Ask your recruiter if you can get a guarenteed duty station written in your contract for Japan before you sign.
Don t quote me on this, but tell your recruiter that you want to be stationed in Korea or Japan. Tell him that you want it in your contract, and don t sign your contract unless it is there. Granted you might have to have a particular MOS, but they should be able to put it in your contract. Don t take their word on it either, physically see it in your contract before you sign because if it s not there and you sign they can theoretically send you anywhere. I ve heard that one guy wanted to join the Army where he could travel and he had it placed in his contract, and he got to see all over Europe and the like.
for Travel Navy would be your best bet, my recruiter has been all around Japan as well as Korea...I do believe there are Marines that are stationed in Japan, but as far as Korea goes, there is the whole DMZ thing, and not so sure if you would be granted any family time
In the Army, Korea is a common tour. All MOS s have the opportunity to be stationed in Korea.
Korean linguist
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