Japaneses has a family registry system called Koseki. Do you know your grandmother s birthday and birthplace? If you know the birth place(town, city, ) you can contact with the city hall. if your grand mother Koseki is registered at the city where grandmother born they might find your grandmother s Koseki. An original Koseki shows parents name, siblings name and birthdays. If she got married to a Japaneses guy, usually Koseki changes. When I had to get my Koseki-Touhon, the city hall asked me only registerd address(Honseki), name and birthday. Honseki address is sometimes different from the present address. My family Koseki Address is registered to different city from my percents present address. My Koseki address property is now someone els is own. But my family decided to not change the address because my parents are too lazy to change it, as long as my parent don t change the address my Koseki address stays same.(B TY it is regal to use old address) If you can find your grandmother s Honseki(Koseki registered address)you can find the rest of your relatives easy. If you don t have enough information, you can hire a private detectives. Good luck (^_-)-☆
Suzuki/Junko/Akiko are very very common name in Japan. Kanji name will help you more. If you can find more specific place (Sapporo, Hokkaido for example), then search address book, ask local office or judicial scrivener. Another option is Tantei service. Tantei is private detective and finding a person is one of their business.
try contacting you embassy in Japan. it s a good start ^^
Try the yellow pages, but don t Wing,the Wong number!!!
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