

How do you obtain a citizenship in Japan? -

ok i m american half black half white. I really want to move to japan when i grow up im 15 and i spend like 5 hours a day learning japanese. I understand if i move there i can get certain types of residency that allow me to work and live there, but i really want to become a citizen how would i go by doing that?

It is virtually impossible to gain citizenship in Japan. Even people who are ethnically Japanese and have been in Brazil for two or three generations cannot gain citizenship when they return. I ve heard that it sometimes happens for non-Japanese people who have married a Japanese person and lived in Japan, working, for at least ten years. You will then likely have to pass a few tests, all in Japanese of course. It is much easier to get a simple permanent visa, which would let you live in Japan indefinitely, but you wouldn t be a citizen.

Almost all non-japanese workers in Japan have permanent residency status. It is VERY VERY hard and long for them to become citizens. If by chance a non-japanese did become a Japanese citizen, then they MUST renounce all other citizenships that they hold. Japan does not allow dual citizenship.

Happiness don t depend on where you live but rather how you live, you are lucky one coz America isn t the worst place on Earth to be born in so just stay where you are, earn a lot of money, buy yourself a house or many of them in every Japanese city and on each vacation go to a different house)

You can t. End of story. You have to be ethnic japanese not 1/2 nor 1/4 japanese but full japanese. Stop dreaming and deal with reality.

Dream on. Japan is very strict about immigration and they don t like quot;gigingsquot; aka foreigners.

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