If you would like to get an insight into what is selling in Japan, this website can give you some help. http://www.hmv.co.jp/bestsellers/1/ Basically, CD sales can give you a leading indicator to which genres are selling. Watching the variety shows and music shows, sometimes there is a musical group or act that has one gaijin to spice things up. Although this is more commercial music than a performing art. As far as a music career in Japan, it would be similar to one anywhere else in the sense that you would have to find some means to support yourself. The second issue of working visa would also have to be solved. Just like any other working visa, you will need a company to sponsor you. My son s preschool had a teacher from Hawaii. He is an aspiring artists, who keeps the bills paid and his visa current by working as an English teacher at an international pre school. At night, he performs at various clubs and bars. Good Luck
They have strange tastes thats all I know.
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