

What is the relation between the United States and Japan like today? -

I know we were allies before Pearl Harbor, but what has our relationship been with Japan since? Thanks!

Japan and the usa have to be in good relationship in order to monitor the development in china. For the old day, the usa was fear of the influence of communism spreading across asia that affecting the usa interest in asia, so the usa had to alliy with japan and korea for a military base. Nowday, becuase the rapid economy and military development in china which may endanger the safety of japan (japan economy is declinng and no miltary power been developed for some reasons) and the interest of the usa in asia, they have to ( or are forced to ) continue the ally relationship although japanese, korean even filipino actually dont want to have a foreign country (usa) to have a military base in their lands. Therefore, the allied relationships will be continuing on between these 2 countries along with the development of china, regardless these 2 countries really like this relationship or not.

During WWII, imperial Japan ceased to exist altogether. The US basically rebuilt Japan as a capitalist country in the late 40 s and 50 s. We ve been on friendly terms with Japan ever since.

Pretty good I suppose. The Japanese love American culture and the Americans love Japanese culture. We no longer view them as evil and they no longer view us as evil. For the most part, anyway.

THEY OWN US have you seen how big are debt is...them and china

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