

How prevalent are ILLEGAL drugs in Japan ? -

What kind of people do them in Japan? Is Japan a lot like the US when it comes to illegal drugs ?

No-where near the US. Most of the hard drugs are almost unknown in Japan. But weed is starting to become in more use with college kids. But if you get caught with hard drugs, you re toast.Japan has almost a 98% conviction rate for people who end up in court. And Japanese prisons are no country club compared to the US.

Not like the US where highschool students and their teachers are stoned at the same time. When it comes to pot the situation is totally different. Some Japanese people blindly believe smoking marijuana costs the same level of bad effects that taking heroin or meth entails. Rather, they just know that weed,cocaine, and heroin do something to your mind and treat them as same. This applies to police which never tolerates marijuana possession. In fact the police willingly search for anyone who buys or sells marijuana and arrest them. Legal and social punishment is harsh; if you are found having as little as 1/8 ounce, then your life is half over. have you ever seen the picture of charlize theron smoking pot with an apple?if a japanese actress were caught doing this then her carrier is over. additional: to someone eloquent about drug use in japan why do write as though many japanese (middle class?)people atually smoke marijuana behind the door even quot;though no one really knows how prevalent illegal drugs are in Japanquot;? if it is hard to detect then why would you know? Maybe you a drug dealer in japan and try to share a little bit of fact that you know?if you are a drug dealer then please get out of japan or go arrested.

There is a lot of ice out there and even high school kids are using it these days. The old-school injectable meth quot;shabuquot; is still around, but it s mainly truckers and people who are already in the criminal milieu that are using it. However smokable meth has opened up a whole new market! Now and then you hear of people suffering from amphetamine psychosis running amok. Solvent use is still a problem amongst young people-toulene being the substance of choice. Halcion seems to be a widely abused prescription drug. There is plenty of weed and hash out there, but it mostly flies under the radar as enforcement is understandably focused on the meth. The foreigners who peddle trinkets on the street are said to deal in ecstasy and acid. Don t believe anyone who tells you there is no drug abuse in Japan. It may not be like the US, but the fact is the middle class people who smoke a little hash with their friends rarely get caught so it s mostly under the radar. It s a fact that if they do get caught they would have a big problem, but if you are not a criminal to begin with then the cops just have no way of knowing. Career wise-if one is a narc then one would much rather spend ones time trying to turn up a kilo of meth rather than a few grams of hash the average user might have in his or her possesion. Tweakers are out on the street trying to score, but cannabis and prescription drug users are a lot harder to detect. The police would like the public to think they are very efficient and will sooner or later catch all druggies. However the Japanese police are sometimes more like the Keystone Cops. Just look at how they rounded up harmless pen-knife toting quot;otakuquot; in order to make their quotas for arrests of knife-toting thugs-the NPA stats on drug use have to be taken with a grain of salt. Few people will admit to using illegal drugs. Thus no one really knows how prevalent illegal drugs are in Japan-but they are likely more prevalent that the conventional wisdom would have it.

they are not as prevalent as in western countries. that said; they do esist. They can be gotten but it is more difficult and even if you are caught in pursuit of said drugs, your job in japan may be finished. Even for a thumbnail size amount of marijuana. You are finished. After your jail time. No more job in japan and possible deportation after you get out of jail. I have met many who smoke weed in japan but only a few who did more than that. the average person puts all drugs in the same category as the previous poster said. It is something that a foreigner should forget exists when entering Japan. You can lose friends just by saying you used to indulge.

Hooligan uses them. But they are not so prevalent in Japan.

In Japan marijana is sinful almost equal to heroin, cocaine, opium, LSD and/or amphetamine etc . Instead, cigarette and drinking in younger generation are very loose. Pot junkie must go jail even first time when arrested MDMA, MDEA, magic mashrom, 2C-B, GHB, 5-MeO-DIPT, AMT, 2C-T-7, 2C-T-2, 2C-T-4, Ketamine, Morphine, Codeine, Scopolamine, Pethidine, Oxymetebanol, Fentanyl, MPH, Benzodiazepine are also illegal drugs without official prescription in Japan.

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