

Japan does not allow any immigration and gets no complaints? -

As pointed out in an answer to my previous question. I knew this. As for the people who say ,quot;who would want to live in Japan? It s beautiful, rich with low crime. The product of a no immigration policy and intelligent people!

Some people have already tried complaining years ago, but the Japanese have already nodded their heads and said, quot;so what.quot; It s time we did the same. quot;The New York Times Says Japan Needs Immigrants. The Japanese Politely Disagreequot; http://www.vdare.com/taylor/japan.htm

They also have very strict hand gun laws. It is possible to immigrate to Japan, it s just very difficult. In addition they re on an island which makes the number of people entering the country illegally very low.

If they don t have immigration then how come they passed a law that came into force on 20 November in relation to getting a visa to work in Japan? Not to mention there are thousands of Irish who have immigrated to Japan over the last decade. Really who said they have no immigration is jumping on straws.

I do business in Japan and it is difficult to immigrate there but not impossible. The people there are friendly once you get to know them. As a general rule they are a reserved people. that may be boring to us but it is refreshing instead of us loud mouth and all hype Americans. They just simply get it done.

why should Japan have to worry.the United States protects that country if anything were to happen to it like get attacked.Japan is all out for japan.and that;s a good thing.maybe the united states should do the same thing as japan.quit letting everybody into this country.if japan can keep crime under control maybe we should learn from them how to control the crime rate here in this country.

it is easy to say japan gets no complaints on immigration,but what if you loved someone and got married here in the usa or had a domestic partner ,would you not want to be able to live with that person anywhere in the world, america is rich and beautiful it only needs to expand its freedom of mind ,to much descrimination,let the people live , you need not to close your heart. have a nice holiday

Of course it allows immigration. How else could I have lived in Japan for two years (I also worked for most of that time), and could have stayed for more years if I wanted. It just has stricter rules on permanent residency or citizenship status which is only a problem perhaps if you are married to a local or have children. I lived in the Far East for years, and there is loads of immigration from almost all countries, even poorer nations. Look at the number of people from the Philippines living in Hong Kong.

Well yes its pretty and nice but the people are boring as fuc.k You say hey whats up here and your pretty much talking to yourself. When I go clubbing it feels I m just back in the US since eveyrone at the clubs are either Marines or Europeans. People are always stressed, the suicide rate here is the highest in the world I think its 1 every 4 minutes a Japanese kills himself? Well Ive personally experienced it several times since apparently the most common method is jumping infront of a train and well at first I was shocked and appaled but then after the 5th time I was pissed I was gonna be late for school again haha its funny in a grim way. But yeah economy is high, crime is low. But people are just dead inside. Whenever I look at people I just see sadness and a sort of ant like purpose. Unlike the west where we can just do whatever we please here in Japan you get a job and stick with it until you are too old and retire if you get fired then you basically kill yourself simple as that.

to each his own. there is SO much of the US that is still just empty space... seems a shame not to increase the tax base.

Maybe we (USA) can send them all of our illegal immigrants. Think they d go for it?

Japan does not want anything from outside the Japan

Well, the population in Japan is falling pretty quickly due to the women working and not having babies, so they re going to have to allow it soon anyway.

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