

Do you need to know Japanese in order to be a foreign exchange student to Japan? -

I know that if you want to become a foreign exchange student in Slovakia you don t have to know Slovak, but what about about Japan. And about Slovakia, if you don t know any Slovak how are you supposed to know what is being said in the classroom?

If you do not know Japanese, please do not expect them to go out of their way for you in order to try and be nice,as most Americans,me included, do in this country for all the Hispanic speaking people. I was actually thinking of taking a course in Spanish until it dawned on me that THEY need to learn our language. Therefore, I think it would be a very good idea to learn their language as much as possible.

off course...u need to know english if u go to america ,uk i dont think that japanes know much english

I don t think you have to know Japanese. You may want to learn a few phrases but I think you would be okay. My mom is from Japan and they were taught English in her school. I don t know how it is now, but back years ago she had to take English. Good Luck!

I attended school in Okinawa, I only knew a few words. Swear words, unfortunately. Japanese is a very hard language, But if you are going to be an exchange student, at least learn how to say quot;helloquot;, quot;foodquot;, quot;Toilet, and Thank youquot; in any country you go to. You can probably find a course on-line to learn a foreign language. Just try to remember what its about to be an EXCHANGE student. Someone from Japan is coming here, and has no clue about us US Americans.

Going to other countries is not like coming to America. You go to Japan, then you had better speak Japanese. Go to China, and you had better speak Madarin...go to Mexico, and you had better speak Spanish.

you don t have to master japanese, but you have to know the basic of japanese language. cos few of the japanese could speak english.

No, the point of going to Japan as an exchange student is you learn the language.

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