

How much to send a post card from Japan to America? -

I m going on a trip to Japan and will be staying with a host family. I m supposed to send a post card to my family back home in America. I was thinking I would stamp it here in America before I went to Japan, so I wouldn t have to bother my family about it. But is that even possible? Can I send a letter from their mail boxes there and then send it home to America? Or do I have to do something special there?

I know that it is 110 yen to send a regular letter, and I m pretty sure that a post card is 80, though I ll cover myself by admitting that I don t send post cards much. However, You will HAVE to use a japanese stamp. You can buy them at any convenience store from the clerk, address it in English (USA displayed prominantly, then drop it in any mailbox. (the rates in the comment above mine are not right. They might be domestic, not international, but they are DEFINITELY wrong)

As far as I remember - the cost of any overseas postcard is about 70 yen ( approximately 60 cent) And you need a Japanese stamp on your postcard. Just go to any post office and put it on the counter and ask for a stamp ( I usually did so - in English as I do not speak Japanese) and they will give you the stamp. Any mailbox ( they are Yellow) will do for mailing your card. Notice - the mailboxes ( in Tokyo) have two inlets. Use the right one ( normally indicated in Japanese and English) The Japanese mail-service is more efficient and secure that any other mail-service on earth. - that s my experience.

You need to buy Japanese stamps, but dont worry, there are post offices EVERYWHERE, 70yen for a postcard, quot;Postcard Uniform rate of 70 yen for anywhere in the worldquot; taken off Japan Post website, not likely that this info is wrong...(shakes head)

An airmail postcard costs 80 yen. You can t use US postage stamps in Japan, but you can buy 80 yen worth of stamps at convenience stores, as well as at the post office, no extra charge. Be sure to write USA, and underline it, at the bottom of your address, otherwise it may take longer for them to figure out where to send the postcard.

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