

How many stamps should I put if Im sending it to Japan from the USA? -

Today I sent a letter to my cousin who just moved to Misawa, Japan for the Navy. I put it in an envelope and it contains two lose leaf folded up papers in there. I put 4 stamps on it to send. But does anyone know how many stamps I should put?

international letters are 90 cents to send anywhere in the world

Postage is dependent on how much the item weighs. http://ircalc.usps.gov/ So if you put 4 regular first class stamps on the letter, you paid $1.64 worth of postage.

Aggylu is right. You need just 1. If address is not APO address, you need pay 90cents.

If your cousin has an APO address, I think 1 stamp is enough. That s all we use when mailing letters from our APO address in Korea.

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