

I have friends in Japan and was wondering if theyll be able to send me energy drinks (in cans, to Australia)? -

Yeah, i know the cans will be heavy but they re collectors items (i know it sounds weird), so i rather them be full and shipped to me but i don t know if Australia will receive it (or will they take it away)? Or that my friends in Japan will be able to ship to me. So if you know anything about, please tell!

To Mateo, Duckie help., 23madrid WFT??? Anyway I`m an Aussie and live in Japan and I ship lots of crap home by post. Its cheaper than sending things from Australia thats for sure. And UPS is far, far, far more expensive!!! Go here for costs... http://www.post.japanpost.jp/english/ EMS is usually the cheapest. As for what you can send. Japan doesn`t care if you send food out of Japan, but Australia cares what you send in. I looked at the customs site here.... http://www.customs.gov.au/site/page.cfm?... and I think those drinks will be fine. When I fly they are happy with any packaged food that I take with me, even alcohol and liquids as long as I don`t carry it on board and my friends just shipped me 4 1litre cans of that Tooheys homebrew last month. But if you are still unsure I recommend you get your friends to ship you one and see how it goes. And thinking on `Therapeutic drugs and substances ` clause on the customs page get them to declare them as soft drinks rather than energy drinks.

i think they could. i have a buddy to ship things from japan to California. Go to the UPS website to see more info

They can be ship as long as they have no alcohol in them. Some shipping places refuse to ship alcoholic drinks. It is possible. Refrigerate them before shipping would ensure they get there in one peace. Use lots of packing material. Also, ship it on a rather cold day. Make sure you mark it as fragile. If it s hot when they re shipped (either to or from where the package is going) the cans can burst. Check different shipping companies for their polices.

no drinks can be shipped, i was moving to a diffrent country, the movers told me no liquid allowed, because it might burst. i am preety sure yo can buy the same thing some where near you.

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