

Will DVDs from Japan work in North America and will they have english subs? -

I d like to buy some of my favorite anime series online from Japan and I was wondering if they would work in a DVD player/PS3 in North America? And would they most likely have english subs? Don t ask me why I just don t buy the english dubs because they plain suck.

Most DVD s from the Japan will not work in North America because of the region codes. North America is region 1 Japan is region 2 If you are lucky, it won t have a region code, but I ve only seen porn movies with no region codes. Region code ALL is another code that plays worldwide.

Its not likely they will have English subs (unless they are being marketed to English audiences)... Many high production films in Japan dont even have English subs... except for the Ghibli movies for some reason. Good opportunity to learn some Japanese

depends but check your PS3 cuz it might be region free that can play any dvd... i have a region free dvd player... and i can watch any movie i want so call sony or check the ps3 box to see if its region free...

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